Hello I am Lanikai, I really hope you like this website. I hope to one day become a character designer in movies or video games.I LOVE dragons, as you can see from the picture below. I have twin brothers that are seven and a sister of whom is nine, and one cat and four chickens.  
Kiersten Oertle
9/18/2012 12:21:26 am

I would just love to begin with : I love your blog. As a fellow artist I am lured to the drawings and the uniqueness of it all. It seems so very personal from the second I "enter" your site and I feel like I get to see a bit of who you are without even having to read a thing.
I might make one suggestion, however. You have your wonderful art displayed all over the blog, might I ask if you considered using another piece of art for your header? I think that could tie it all together. Either way, everything is splendid and I thoroughly enjoyed going through this site and cannot wait to see what else you do with it!

9/18/2012 08:19:49 am

That is a great idea but I don't have a good enough picture,I wish I did! Maybe I will create something just for that reason.

9/18/2012 06:24:43 am

I love your blog! Again, I would change your header picture thingy, to that dragon that you have on your bulletin board, that one is super cool. I liked the button, that is cool, I could never got mine to do that. Keep designing!
~Anna C.~

9/18/2012 08:21:55 am

Ok, thanks!


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    Hello! One day I would like to become a character designer in movies or video games. I have twin brothers and a sister. I love animals and my favorite subject is art. Also I am home schooled. Being home schooled is actually quite fun,and it may have added to my love of any book I touch.   


    September 2012

